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630 000
hectares of farmland
machinery units in service
tones of raw milk daily
high-yielding dairy cows
head of cattle
tones of seeds per year
From field to shop shelf
We produce the milk we take pride in
EkoNiva-Produkty Pitaniya owns facilities processing raw milk from the Group’s own dairy farms. The company manufactures wholesome dairy products based on the ‘from-field-to-shop-shelf’ principle. Uncompromising process control at each production stage and 100% natural ingredients ensure strict compliance of the finished produce with the highest quality standards.
Working the land – creating the future
EkoNiva-APK is a leading agricultural holding in Russia. The company is the number 1 raw milk producer in Russia and Europe and a top 3 global producer. Along with dairy farming, the company is engaged in crop production, plant breeding and seed growing, pedigree cattle breeding and organic farming.

The total milk output exceeded 1.1 million tonnes in 2021
Supplying machines by the world’s leading manufacturers
EkoNivaTekhnika-Holding sells and services farm and construction machinery and equipment of leading domestic and international brands. The company is one of the major players in the specialized machinery sector with an extensive network of service centers operating in 25 regions of Russia.

Over 40 brands in the company’s portfolio
Focus on plant breeding and seed growing
EkoNiva-Semena is a leading producer of field crop seeds in Russia, annually selling about 80,000 tones of certified seeds with high genetic potential. The company’s product portfolio includes the most popular varieties of Russian and foreign origin. Since 2015, the company has been implementing in-house breeding programs.

Five winter wheat and three soya bean varieties of own breeding
Come to visit EkoNiva dairy farms!
EkoNiva farm tour project’s goal is to show transparent milk production process based on the ‘from-field-to-shop-shelf’ principle. During the tour, you will learn a lot about the life of dairy cows and calves of all ages. You will see the rotary milking parlour in action. EkoNiva is always happy to welcome children and adults on its modern dairy farms in Voronezh and Kaluga oblasts. For more information, visit the official website of EkoNiva-Produkty Pitaniya.